Unveiling: SF Aloha Run for Hope 2023 – Empowering Young People For The Future!
September 5, 2023

San Francisco, CA (September 24, 2023) /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – JCYC is thrilled to announce its 13th annual SF Aloha Run, with this year’s theme centered on hope and empowerment.
Titled SF Aloha Run for Hope, JCYC’s 13th annual SF Aloha Run event is dedicated to the youth who can one day be our community leaders. Regardless of age or background, this event promotes an optimistic future for all children by spreading messages of hope and kindness.
All proceeds will support JCYC Scholarship Programs including the Pathways (preschool – middle school), Excellence (high school seniors), Thomatra Scott (Black participants of JCYC programs) and the launch of the inaugural Julie Matsueda Believe Scholarship (preschool – high school).
In support of Maui, our hearts are with everyone affected by the wildfire. JCYC will also be donating a portion of the proceeds to the Hawai’i People’s Fund: Maui Aloha The People’s Response. The fund will provide immediate on the ground support to organizations providing relief efforts.
As of today, JCYC has raised over $20,000, all thanks to the tremendous and generous efforts from San Francisco communities and beyond.
Register today at sfaloharun.org
“The SF Aloha Run For Hope is a wonderful opportunity to participate in a fun, healthy event while supporting amazing young people who, with a little assistance, can lead us into the future. We are also thinking about everyone affected by the wildfire in Maui and glad to do what we can to help.” – Jon Osaki, JCYC Executive Director
Media Contact
Halle Sousa
(650) 224-6420