Tifosi Optics Partners with Cyclists Jeremiah Bishop and Tyler Pearce
March 7, 2023

Inspirational content will connect audiences with industry-leading cycling eyewear
Watkinsville, GA (March 7, 2023) /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – Tifosi Optics, the #1 brand of cycling eyewear in the United States, has announced a partnership with two of the world’s premier cycling influencers, Jeremiah Bishop and Tyler Pearce. The duo will help Tifosi engage customers through high-quality content that inspires audiences to get outside and ride.
Jeremiah Bishop (@jeremiahbishoprides) is a 2-time USA National Mountain Bike Champion and 16-time member of the USA Cycling National Team. Tyler Pearce, otherwise known as “The Vegan Cyclist” (@the_vegan_cyclist), has built a top cycling-based social media following. Respected in their own right, Pearce and Bishop combined their talents to co-found The Impossible Route (http://theimpossibleroute.com/), a collaborative video series that documents cyclists trying to accomplish what is thought to be impossible.
Tifosi has built a core following within the cycling community by offering technically advanced eyewear at an affordable price. To solidify its awareness within the sport, Tifosi was interested in partnering with creators that demonstrated a shared vision and passion for riding. Given Tifosi was already following Pearce and Bishop via social media, the brand didn’t have to look far to find content partners.
“We’re thrilled to collaborate with Jeremiah and Tyler,” commented Joe Earley, owner of Tifosi Optics. “Not only are they great cyclists – they’re exemplary human beings, each with a unique voice in the cycling space. Through humor, wisdom, and compelling storytelling, they have captured large and diverse audiences that share the same passion as us – riding bikes. We’re confident that the partnership will raise awareness of both our products and brand ethos,” Earley continued.
“I’ve admired Tifosi as a brand for quite some time and was honored when they approached me with an opportunity to collaborate,” stated Bishop. “Tifosi cares about the sport of cycling and demonstrates its commitment to the community through their product development.”
“Authenticity is a key component of my evaluation process when considering brand partnerships,” Pearce explains. “Tifosi has been a staple of the cycling industry and has been a trusted brand amongst my peers for as long as I can remember. I look forward to producing content on Tifosi’s behalf and spreading the word of their best-in-class eyewear.”
Tifosi is the Italian word for Super-fan. That is exactly who we are and who we make our eyewear for. Our mission is to provide technically advanced eyewear to enthusiasts of all sports and outdoor activities. We design, test, and torture our product to enhance your sport whether you’re running a 5k, riding your first century, or playing 18 holes on Sunday. Tifosi defines us. We are enthusiastic about our product, our sport—and our fun. We are moms, dads, coaches, players, volunteers, survivors, teams and families. We are Tifosi. To learn more about Tifosi, please visit: http://www.tifosioptics.com