Runners to Race for Climate Research
April 3, 2023

Biosphere 2 and Run Tucson join forces to host the annual TMC Earth Day 5K
/ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – For the second year in a row, Biosphere 2 is partnering with Run Tucson to host the annual TMC Earth Day 5K Race on Saturday, April 22. The race starts in the morning, but for folks and families looking for fun outside of the race, Biosphere 2 will provide discounted visitation passes from 7am to 9am.
“Earth Day is April 22nd but rather than just celebrated one day, Earth Month allows us to showcase Biosphere 2 and, by extension, the life-support functions of this one planet that we all share,” said John Adams, Deputy Director and Chief Operations Officer of Biosphere 2. “We are also very excited about our partnership with the Run Tucson, which will solidify the connection of the health of Biosphere 1, Earth and our own health. The 5k Earth Run is a great way to get outdoors, whether you are a walker or runner.”
Run Tucson race director Randy Accetta adds, “The Biosphere 2 is a beautiful location to walk or run 3.1 miles. Speedsters can compete for gift certificates from The Running Shop, while walkers can enjoy the mountain scenery.” A
long with the race, there will be a D.J. and live music, various food trucks and interactive Earth Day learning for all ages, including special presentations from students in the University of Arizona Eller College of Management.
There will also be limited-edition Biosphere 2 shirts made from 100% recycled fabric available for purchase both online and at the event. With sales going toward climate-saving research, this exclusive apparel release is the perfect addition to a gathering that intends to preserve and celebrate the only home that we have: Planet Earth.
Registration for the run ends on April 20 and admission includes a race number, medal and Run Tucson participant shirt.
About Biosphere 2
Acquired by the University of Arizona in 2011, Biosphere 2 advances the understanding of natural and human-made ecosystems through industry-leading climate research. As the world’s largest sealed, self-sufficient research facility, Biosphere 2 advances Earth science research, conducts interdisciplinary science education, and fosters leadership initiatives focused on developing scalable solutions for the planet and beyond.
John Adams
Deputy Director & Chief Operations Officer
Biosphere 2
Number – 520-621-3955
Email –
About Run Tucson
Run Tucson is a full-service running company, producing some of the most dynamic events in Arizona, including the November 4th Grand Canyon Trail Half Marathon near the South Rim and high-profile events in Tucson. Run Tucson is led by a team of RRCA-certifed race directors and coaches.