Ride the Divide feature filmmaker to teach legacy content strategy at PCS
March 5, 2020

Here's how to turn one major project into months or years of content marketing!
Many outdoor, cycling and active lifestyle brands think of content marketing as lots of little, one-off stories placed sporadically on social media and blogs.
But filmmaker Mike Dion, the award-winning producer of Ride the Divide, Reveal the Path and Inspired to Ride, will show how brands like Moots, Salsa and Apidura used a single long form “legacy” content to solidify their brand position for years.
“The legacy content is the foundation, actually, but it’s not the only piece of content that comes from something as big as a feature film that gets distributed to Netflix, iTunes and Amazon,” Dion explains. “But that foundation allows a brand to build out an entire eco-system of supporting content to fill all their channels and provide months if not years of content.”
Dion will teach how leading cycling brands have leveraged these productions at Peak Content Summit, a two-day content marketing strategy conference held in Asheville, NC, on March 12-13, 2020.
His talk will be combined with sessions on content idea generation, how and where to publish the content, how to work with media, using data to maximize your content marketing’s impact, and more. Sessions are designed to build brand manager’s skillsets so they leave with both inspiration and the tactical knowledge to implement all of the lessons they’ll learn.
Dion adds: “From production to distribution to marketing, brands will see how they can not only fill their content calendar, but also calculate the ROI on their feature film investment. Depending on how they set up the relationship with the filmmaker and production deal, brands could even see substantial income from the film’s distribution channels!”
Registration closes soon, remaining seats are limited. Get more info, a complete speaker list and register to attend at PeakContentSummit.com.