Race Across America Introduces Race Across the East
December 18, 2023

Race Across the East – from Ohio to New Jersey - will debut June 19, 2024
December 18, 2023 / Boulder, CO /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – Race Across America, Inc. (The Company) is pleased to announce the inaugural Race Across the East (RAE).
RAE will start June 19, 2024 in Blanchester, Ohio, follow the Race Across America (RAAM) route, and finish in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The race will become an integral component of RAAM. The RAE route will be approximately 630 miles with 40,000 feet of elevation gain.
Race Across the West (RAW) racers start in Oceanside, California with the Solo RAAM riders and finish in Durango, Colorado. The RAAM riders continue on to the East Coast. The RAE riders will start in Blanchester about the same time the RAAM riders begin to pass through Blanchester, and ride among the leading RAAM riders on their way to Atlantic City.
RAE is open to solo riders as well as 2 and 4-person teams. Solos and Teams must be accompanied by a support crew. Participants will carry GPS trackers enabling family, friends and fans to follow them throughout the race. The Atlantic City finish will be live-streamed. RAE participation will be capped at 55 racers. Register early to insure your place.
The 3 races – RAAM, RAW and RAE – are stand-alone events. But the combination – RAE (630 miles), RAW (930 miles) and RAAM (3,000 miles) – provide a progression for aspiring RAAM racers. The RAE racers will have an opportunity to ride and communicate with the RAAM racers.
Company president, Fred Boethling, explained, “2024 will be the 42nd edition of RAAM–the world’s toughest bicycle race. We introduced Race Across the West (RAW) in 2008. After we’d run RAW a couple of years, every year more riders would ask us, ‘Why don’t you do a Race Across the East?’ Well, it’s time.”
Aspiring Solo RAAM racers must qualify at a RAAM Qualifying event. RAE will be a RAAM Qualifier (RQ). Teams do not need to qualify for TEAM RAAM. Riders on 2 and 4-person RAAM Teams automatically qualify for Solo RAAM. All prospective RAAM participants are encouraged to race RQs. It’s good for the racers and good for the sport.
Registration for the Race Across the East will open January 1, 2024.
Race Across America, Inc.
Race Across America, Inc. is the world leader in the sport of ultra bicycle racing. The Company owns and operates Race Across America –The World’s Toughest Bicycle Race, a 3,000-mile coast-to-coast race across the USA, as well as 5 RAAM Qualifying events: Longhorn 500; Race Across the West (RAW); Race Across the East (RAE); Silver State 508; and 6-12-24 Hour World Time Trail Championships. The Longhorn 500 is part of Texas Hell Week, which includes 10-days of cycling in the Texas Hill Country (7 days of riding with the choice of 3 rides per day culminating with 2 ultra races – the Longhorn 500 and Stampede 200). In addition, the Company manages the RQ System.
The RAAM Qualifier System
RAAM Qualifiers (RQs) play an important role in the sport of ultra-bicycle racing. The first RQ was designed to ensure RAAM participants had a reasonable chance of finishing The World’s Toughest Bicycle Race. Initially, RAAM was open only to solo racers. Later 2, 4 and 8-person teams were added. The role of the RQ has evolved. Today, in addition to qualifying racers for Solo RAAM, RQs provide opportunities for solo and team racers, as well as their support crews, to develop their skills under race conditions. Company management has worked diligently to build the RQ System. At present there are 48 RQs in 15 countries, the majority of which are independently owned and operated.
More About Race Across America: www.raamrace.org/
More About RAW: www.raceacrossthewest.org/
More About RAE: www.raceacrosstheeast.org/
More About Texas Hell Week, Longhorn 500, Stampede 200: www.raamchallenge.com/
More About The 508: www.the508.net/
More About the 6-12-24 WTTC: www.24hrworlds.com/