Perceev Announces Partnership with Triathlon Industry Legend, Bob Babbitt
December 8, 2023

Perceev, the endurance sports platform, partners with triathlon icon Bob Babbitt in its mission to motivate athletes, inspire fans, and accelerate the growth of endurance sports.
December 8, 2023 /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – Perceev, an innovative new software as a service platform for endurance races, is thrilled to announce its partnership with USA Triathlon and Ironman Hall of Famer Bob Babbitt, who will play a key role on the advisory board.
Bob has been a part of the triathlon scene from the beginning, competing in the third Ironman to ever take place, and he hasn’t looked back since. In 1987 he co-founded Competitor Magazine which played an important role in the growth of endurance sports and was a staple in the industry for 30 years.
Shortly thereafter, inspired by his good friend and incredible athlete Jim MacLaren, Bob co-founded the Challenged Athletes Foundation. To date the Challenged Athletes Foundation has raised nearly $160 million dollars to provide physically challenged athletes opportunities and support so they can pursue active lifestyles through physical fitness and competitive athletics.
Today he is perhaps best known for his “Breakfast with Bob” YouTube show where he interviews top professional triathletes before and after major events. His series enables triathlon fans worldwide to get to know these amazing athletes, gaining insights into their world-class performances and finding out what makes them tick outside of their sport, too.
“Needless to say, he’s a guy who knows how to get stuff done,” Ed Hoffman, Founder and CEO of Perceev said. “He’s got his finger on the pulse of triathlon, he knows what works, what doesn’t, and what’s needed.”
“We were introduced to Bob through Alistair Brownlee,” explains Rebecca Hoffman, co-founder of Perceev. “When we first met Alistair and told him Perceev is based in Carlsbad, California, he said we’ve got to meet Bob. So he introduced us and we ended up having a two hour meeting over coffee at the Pannikin in Encinitas. He blew us away. Ed and I fought back tears as he talked about the Challenged Athletes Foundation, and his knowledge and love of the sport was incredible.”
“Within the first half hour he was explaining our company to us as well as we ever could. Founders know how rare that is – to find someone who really “gets it” at that level. It’s so empowering,” Ed said. “Our values are completely aligned, and Bob’s depth of knowledge about the industry will help to keep us on course.”
Bob added: “When we started Competitor Magazine, our philosophy first and foremost was that for us to be successful, events have to be successful. And if they’re filling up, the retailers would be busy – and everyone in the sport wins. It’s pretty much the same with Perceev. Their platform is built to help events get more engagement and more visibility. They are dedicated to keeping prices low so events can make more money, sponsors get more bang for their buck, and everyone wins.”
Bob hates to see the sport lose long-time independent races. “The little guys are struggling to turn a profit and compete with high-profile races. Perceev will help level the playing field,” he explains. “Events of all sizes can now provide participants with an awesome digital experience, providing data visualization of race performances just like the big guys. In fact, it’s a better user experience, and they’re building a community that will give everyone more visibility.”
Commenting on the beginnings of Competitor Magazine, Bob said, “We loved what we were doing. We loved telling the stories. The elite athletes are great, but it’s the real stories of perseverance and overcoming the odds that are the hallmark of what Competitor is really about.”
More than 35 years later, with Bob’s guidance, Perceev will carry that torch into the digital age.
“Bob walks the walk, that’s for sure. His passion is encouraging everyone no matter their challenges, to live a fun and active lifestyle. He’s so inspiring, and he keeps us focused on why we started this company in the first place,” said Rebecca.
Bob still aims to do a triathlon every weekend, his schedule permitting. He will tell you his favorite place is the transition area early in the morning, before the start of the race. The beauty, the camaraderie and the challenge is what he loves.
“And what’s better than having a beer with your buddies after a great workout?”
“We both left that first meeting saying we want to be like Bob. Endurance sports are tough, absolutely. But that’s not the point. It’s all about having fun and staying active as a lifestyle, and everyone can do it. Just get out there and don’t overthink it,” Ed concluded.
Perceev was built to motivate athletes, inspire fans, and accelerate the growth of endurance sports worldwide. The platform is a powerful tool for events to increase engagement and build excitement to grow participation year over year. It’s built for events of all sizes and all budgets to level the playing field and give everyone the opportunity to provide data visualization currently only afforded by large events.
Perceev will debut at the Road Race Management Conference in Hollywood, Florida, December 11-13.
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For press inquiries or further information, contact:
Ed Hoffman, CEO, Perceev –
Rebecca Hoffman, CO-Founder –