
Outspoken: Women in Triathlon Summit and Live Feisty Media announce the [un]phased podcast addressing diversity in Triathlon and Endurance Sport 

August 27, 2020

Sign up today for the LIVE launch event!

Denver, Colorado, USA — August 27, 2020 – Live Feisty Media and the producers of the Outspoken: Women in Triathlon Summit are excited to announce the launch of a new podcast: [un]phased. A LIVE launch event will be held virtually on Tuesday, September 1st, 2020 at 5pm PST. Sign up for the event at unphasedpodcast.com

About the podcast

[un]phased is an unabashed podcast to help listeners grapple with the reality of racism, sexism, ableism and many other hard-to-discuss issues affecting endurance sports, triathlon, and our lives. Hosts Dr. Shaunna Payne Gold and Dr. Lisa Ingarfield, both coaches and age-group triathletes, dovetail their work experience in diversity, equity, and inclusion with their love of endurance sports and holistic wellness to advance listeners understanding of why triathlon, and more broadly endurance sport, must do better in addressing the complexities of inclusion and exclusion.

Dr. Shaunna Payne Gold, a diversity, equity, and inclusion expert, age-group triathlete, coach, and owner of Gold Enterprises, shares: “It is past time that we all do better. Inclusion is not a passive sport, it’s an active calling. If endurance athletes are serious about including everyone, we must really work through these tough conversations about who’s in, who’s out, and who is passively participating in boxing people out.” As one who loves diversity and sport, Dr. Gold goes on to describe the podcast as “simply the recorded version of many conversations that Dr. Ingarfield and I have had over the last couple of years. We’re inviting folks to join our conversations as we read, grow, and think aloud about who’s not at the table and who thinks the table solely belongs to them.”

“Our lives are not separate spheres of experience. All our identities, whether social, professional, or athletic spill over into each other. It is really important we spend some time reflecting on the ways we contribute to sustaining systems of power that benefit some and harm others,” says Dr. Lisa Ingarfield, co-founder of the Outspoken: Women in Triathlon Summit, gender equity consultant, and triathlon coach. “We want this podcast to encourage endurance athletes to simmer in their discomfort so they can grow as humans and athletes. This is the only way triathlon and endurance sport can change for the better.”

The podcast will feature discussions between the hosts on timely and often challenging subjects, as well as invited guests to assist in dissecting topics athletes may otherwise not connect to their experience in endurance sport. The goal is education, lively commentary, and an unfazed approach to the messy nature of some of these topics.

Dr. Sara Gross, CEO of Live Feisty Media, a media company focused on addressing the systemic inequality of women in sports media, and producer of a series of podcasts, including IronWomen, Girls Gone Gravel and now, [un]phased, agrees: “Shaunna and Lisa are two of the most brilliant people I know. The triathlon world is lucky to have them, and I know listeners will be transformed in their thinking with every episode.”

The podcast will air every Tuesday beginning with its live launch episode on September 1, 2020. To join the live launch, sign up at www.unphasedpodcast.com. Podcast episodes will be available from wherever you get your podcasts starting September 8.

Sponsorship opportunities exist for companies looking to become a part of the change Outspoken and Live Feisty Media are looking to ignite. Contact the Outspoken team to learn more at info@shiftsports.org.

About Live Feisty Media

The Live Feisty Media Corporation was founded by Ironman Champion Sara Gross, PhD in

2017 with the goal of sharing new stories and fresh perspectives from within an empowered, active community.  Live Feisty currently produces five podcasts: IronWomen, If We Were Riding, Girls Gone Gravel, Big Fit Girl, and now, [un]phased.

About Outspoken Women in Triathlon Summit

The Outspoken Summit is a partnership between Live Feisty Media and Shift Sports. Shift Sports is dedicated to assisting triathlon organizations, teams, and events in initiating and sustaining inclusive practices by looking beyond participation numbers alone.

Media, Sponsorship and Partnership Inquiries
Dr. Sara Gross, sara@livefeisty.com
Dr. Lisa Ingarfield, info@shiftsports.org