Nix Biosensors Introduces ‘Nix Pro’, Revolutionary Group Hydration Monitoring for Teams, Military, Labor Groups
June 25, 2024

With heat-related illnesses and performance impacts on the rise, Nix Pro has been adopted by prominent pro and collegiate teams, fire departments and tactical organizations to limit injuries and maximize performance.
BOSTON, MASS — June 25, 2024 /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – Nix Biosensors, the leading provider of cutting-edge hydration monitoring technology, is proud to announce the launch of their groundbreaking app, Nix Pro. Nix’s first app, Nix Solo was launched in 2022 for individual athletes seeking improved performance through personalized hydration biosensing. Nix Pro is the next iteration of Nix’s hydration biosensing technology, developed for the group monitoring of sports teams, labor groups, and tactical organizations dedicated to increasing safety and improving performance among their respective groups.
Nix Pro empowers coaches, safety managers, and other administrators by providing real-time insights and alerts on individual hydration status in a single dashboard, allowing for proactive intervention to prevent heat-related illnesses and performance loss. The platform also performs trend and correlation analysis across different environments, exertion types and intensities, and even personnel subgroups (i.e., different position players or functions) to elucidate key patterns and differences day to day, or subject to subject. Using these data, Nix Pro delivers accurate and personalized recommendations for optimal electrolyte and fluid intake required for future sessions to maintain safety and performance across the full team.
With the growing impact of climate change on global temperatures, rates of heat-related illnesses have increased three-fold in the past five years. Last year in the US there were over 2,300 deaths reported being directly related to heat, anddoctors claim the real number is even higher due to underreporting. With 2024 set to break record temperatures, the CDC is concerned that these numbers will grow exponentially, and labor groups like OSHA are under Presidential orders to revise their safety guidelines for workers in the heat. Even in less dire cases, heat and dehydration cause substantial physical and cognitive performance impairment, curtailing productivity and leaving athletes, service members, and laborer groups significantly more vulnerable to other types of injuries and accidents.
Experts like OSHA and ACSM cite proper hydration as the most critical factor in preventing heat-related illness and injury. Nix Biosensors’ proprietary biosensing technology sets them apart, accurately measuring individuals’ actual fluid and electrolyte losses in real-time. By utilizing advanced machine-learning, Nix goes beyond generic recommendations from other sports wearables which are typically compiled only using data set averages. Using this data, Nix then provides personalized recommendations for the rate and electrolyte composition of fluid intake, ensuring optimized performance and safety.
In the new app’s development, Nix secured early testing from dozens of prominent organizations including the Miami Heat, LSU Football, Bay FC (NWSL), US Speedskating, and Podium Racing (supertri team). Research shows that 15% of football players experience a heat-related illness every season and 74% of firefighters in the US experience heat related illnesses each year. These are unrelated to injury from the fires themselves, but rather due to the excessive heat they face while wearing PPE.
“Our team is training and competing in high heat and oppressive humidity for a good portion of each season,” says LSU Football Assistant Athletic Director for Sports Nutrition, Matt Frakes. “We got to a point where the threat of increasingly warmer temperatures affecting the safety and performance of our athletes was becoming a real concern. Hydration isn’t a one-size fits all solution, so it was never going to be as simple as telling our guys to just take more water breaks. We needed to understand who was sweating more than others, who was losing more electrolytes than others, and, most importantly, how that all changes under different conditions. Nix Pro provides all that information and makes it actionable. It’s a complete game-changer.”
“Firefighters put their safety on the line every day, so if we hear of a new technology that could decrease the risk of injury, we put it to the test,” said Michael Williams-Bell, PhD, Co-Founder of Frontline Health and Performance who has orchestrated training courses and research studies with fire departments and provincial college programs across the US and Canada for 20 years. “These tactical athletes wear full fire retardant (PPE), but this heavy gear is actually contributing to their risk of heat injury, or worse. It’s not uncommon for firefighters to end up in the hospital with severe dehydration. We see huge value in implementing Nix Pro during all our training academies. This data is also helping us determine if the age-old 15-20 minute in-fire rotation schedule is even the right operational tactic. Before Nix, there was no way to measure against this process.”
“Launching Nix Pro is a critical inflection point for Nix Biosensors,” said Nix Biosensors CEO, Meridith Cass. “The need for personalized hydration management isn’t limited to professional athletes or special operators. Ongoing research clearly demonstrates that hydration is not only foundational to human health and performance, but also to longevity. Which means hydration rivals sleep and metabolic health as one of the most relevant and impactful biometrics we can measure as humans. Launching Nix Pro is the latest in a series of strategic steps Nix intends to take to bring personalized hydration management to the masses.”
For more information about Nix Pro, please visit
About Nix Biosensors:
Nix is changing the way humans manage health by empowering consumers to access, understand, and act on their personal biology in real time. Nix’s first consumer product is a sweat patch that provides athletes, soldiers, and laborers with hydration data in real-time, helping them optimize safety and performance. Headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, Nix is founded by CEO Meridith Cass, a graduate of Harvard Business School, former VC, and 9-time marathoner. Advisors include Tom Fowler, Former President of Polar; Dr. Bob Murray, Founder and former Director of the Gatorade Sports Science Institute; Shalane Flanagan, 4x Olympian, Silver Medalist, and 2017 NYC Marathon Champion; and Tatyana McFadden, the 6x Olympian and 17x Medalist. Learn more at
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Mackenzie Lynch