Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon Reaches Early Sell Out for 2022 Race
January 21, 2022

In-person racing returns to the Napa Valley in full force.
NAPA, CA /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – For the first time since 2020, the Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon and Half Marathon will return to wine country to the tune of a sold out field. With just under two months until the March 6, 2022 race, registration for the full marathon and half marathon have reached full capacity and are officially sold out. Spots still remain in the Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa 5K.
“The past two years have been extremely hard on nonprofit running organizations like the Napa Valley Marathon,” said Race Director Michelle La Sala. “Reaching an early sell-out signals to us that our participants are just as eager to return to in-person racing as we are. We’re looking forward to hosting a fun, safe event in our beautiful valley in just a few short months.”
The Kaiser Permanente Napa Valley Marathon was one of the last in-person races to take place as scheduled in 2020, just weeks before the statewide shelter-in-place orders went into effect. In 2021, the event pivoted to a virtual experience in which nearly 1,000 runners participated in a digital running or walking challenge and earned wine-themed swag along the way. Now, in 2022, event organizers are looking forward to producing a safe in-person event for a full field of excited participants. The race organization is working closely with its key sponsor, Kaiser Permanente, to ensure proper precautions are taken to protect participants, staff, volunteers, and spectators from the ongoing COVID-19 threat.
In advance of the event, race organizers plan to distribute a series of COVID protocols which participants will be required to follow. These guidelines will include a stipulation that all participants either provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test taken within 72-hours of race day.
“We are so grateful to our local community members for eagerly welcoming the Napa Valley Marathon and Half Marathon back to wine country after the pandemic prevented us from hosting the race in 2021,” said Board President Jim Cotter. “Since 1979, we have been dedicated to fostering and promoting quality road racing in an inspiring setting, and this year’s event is poised to be our best yet.”
The nonprofit Napa Valley Marathon, Inc. is dedicated to serving wine country through a series of charitable venues, including a scholarship program for local high school seniors. Since its inception, the race organization has contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars to the local community. Participant entry fees help support these charitable ventures. Registration for the Kiwanis Club of Greater Napa 5K is still open. To learn more or sign up for the 5K, visit napavalleymarathon.org.
About the Napa Valley Marathon, Inc.
Napa Valley Marathon, Inc. is a non-profit organization that has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars back into the local community over its 43-year tenure. NVM, Inc. currently has two event weekends under its nonprofit umbrella, the Napa Valley Marathon & Half Marathon, held in early March, and the WineShine Half Marathon & 3.9-Miler, held in mid-July. Proceeds from both events will go into supporting charitable endeavours in the Napa Valley in the form of educational scholarships and donations to service, cause, and environmentally-based groups.