
June 28th Marks the 40-Year Anniversary of Professional Road Running

June 17, 2021

Sign up now for Cascade Run Off Redux and receive a rendition of the classic t-shirt while supporting RRCA programs for post-collegiate runners.

Portland, OR — Distance running changed forever on June 28, 1981, when top road racers competed in the Cascade Run Off in Portland, Oregon, thereby challenging amateur rules that prevented them from accepting prize money, signing endorsement contracts, and otherwise competing as professionals. The concerted action of those who toed the line 40 years ago led to steady rule changes that brought open competition to road racing, and eventually opened all international events, including the Olympics, to professional athletes.

“It was an honor to join with American distance runners and those of other countries at the 1981 Cascade Run Off,” said running legend Bill Rodgers, who finished fourth in the race. “Finally athletes would throw off the yoke that had been placed upon our necks by the amateur authorities, and utilize our abilities and represent our countries in the best way possible. I hope younger and older generations of runners, and the general public, see how the sport has grown, and I think one reason is because it became more professional.”

Today’s runners, as well as running enthusiasts of all ages, can connect with one of the sport’s signature historical moments, the 1981 Cascade Run Off, while at the same time supporting current elite road racers, by signing up for Cascade Run Off Redux, a virtual 15K that celebrates the 1981 event. Those who sign up for Cascade Run Off Redux, whether they plan to run the distance or not, will receive a t-shirt with a rendition of the classic design by Scott McIntire from the 1981 shirt, one of the most original designs ever to grace a runner’s chest. T-shirts are available in both men’s and women’s styles. In addition, $20.00 of each entry fee from Cascade Run Off Redux, and any additional proceeds, will be used to support programs of the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA) that assist post-collegiate runners.

Cascade Run Off Redux is being organized by three individuals who played key roles in the 1981 Cascade Run Off—Chuck Galford, founder and president of the Run Off Race Committee; Keith Peters, race coordinator; and Don Kardong, who served as president of the Association of Road Racing Athletes (ARRA), the runners’ organization that spearheaded the effort.

Signup for Cascade Run Off Redux is available through the event website at www.cascaderunoffredux.com through July 4. June 18 is the first day of the virtual run for those who plan to go the distance. Those who sign up by the July 4 deadline will be mailed their shirts in late July. Entry fee for the Cascade Run Off Redux is $40.

For more information:

Visit: www.CascadeRunOffRedux.com

Contact: keithgpeters@me.com

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