
iFit-Powered NordicTrack Rower Awarded PCMag’s Editors’ Choice

August 10, 2020

iFit’s trainer-led, interactive workouts made the NordicTrack RW900 Rower “stand out from the pack”

(LOGAN, Utah) — iFit, the interactive, connected fitness technology, is the key feature that led PCMag to award its coveted Editors’ Choice designation of Editors’ Choice to the NordicTrack RW900 Rower.

“NordicTrack’s connected machines stand out from the pack thanks to the company’s excellent iFit software, which offers a deeper level of interactivity than you’ll find elsewhere,” noted PCMag’s smart home and wearable device analyst Angela Moscaritolo. “They also automatically adjust resistance, so you don’t have to fuss with buttons or knobs, a feature you won’t find on rival offerings.”

The hands-free adjustments are a proprietary feature unique to this iFit-enabled NordicTrack rower. iFit’s automatic machine adjustments:

  • Create a more realistic outdoor experience because iFit technology adjusts the rower’s resistance to match the wind and water conditions during iFit Global Workouts
  • Allow the iFit trainer adjust the resistance during iFit Studio Workouts, so members experience a well-designed workout that safely and effectively pushes them towards their goals

“The vast selection of workouts on the RW900 offers plenty of options for everyone from beginners to advanced rowers,” said PCMag’s Moscaritolo. “Being able to see the scenery around the world, or the trainer in the studio, makes the workouts fly by. At night, I find myself excited to wake up in the morning so I can use it.”

iFit Global Workouts are shot and produced on location around the globe, allowing for breathtaking scenery. iFit Studio Workouts provide a boutique workout experience, often combining rowing with bodyweight exercises off the machine. Classes vary in length from 12-65 minutes, and range from beginner to advanced.

“Over the past two weeks, I’ve rowed the Kafue River in Zambia, Lake Bled in Slovenia, Lake Geneva in Switzerland, and the River Thames in England, and I didn’t even have to get on a plane,” said PCMag’s Moscaritolo. “I traveled there on the NordicTrack RW900.”

iFit’s premier trainers were also a standout feature. Compared to other connected fitness classes on the market, PCMag highlighted iFit’s elite trainers — which include Olympic gold medal rowers who share their expertise throughout the workouts.

“I’ve always enjoyed the rowing machine at the gym, but truthfully, I never took the time to learn the correct technique,” said PCMag’s Moscaritolo. “Thanks to the vast selection of iFit workouts, I’ve trained with Olympians Alex Gregory, Barnabe Delarze, and Jessica Eddie, who have taught me correct rowing form.”

PCMag highlighted the large touchscreen display on the NordicTrack RW900 Rower as a “pro.” At 22 inches, the display enhances the iFit interactivity features, creating a dynamic experience that allows exercisers to become fully immersed in the workout.

The NordicTrack RW900 Rower is available for purchase on the NordicTrack website and from Best Buy for $1,699, and comes with a free one-year iFit membership, a value of $468.

About NordicTrack and iFit

iFit, the connected fitness technology that powers NordicTrack equipment, pioneered interactive connected fitness and was issued its first of many patents in 1999. Founded with the belief that the majority of consumers would benefit from an interactive personal training experience at home, iFit’s trainer-led streaming workouts are now trusted by millions of consumers around the globe.

iFit offers workout options for every fitness level and interest, from bodyweight training, HIIT cardio workouts and yoga, to connected fitness workouts on NordicTrack home equipment. Patented interactive technology allows iFit Trainers to create highly personalized workouts for iFit members and Live Adjust™ the user’s incline, speed and resistance instantly during the workout to create the perfect workout for every fitness level. iFit interactive workouts are available on NordicTrack treadmills, stationary bikes, ellipticals, rowers, strength machines, and the iFit app for a range of exercise accessories.

NordicTrack and iFit are owned by ICON Health & Fitness, the global leader in home, commercial and connected fitness which holds more than 275 fitness patents, with 138 pending. iFit workouts are available in English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German with more languages planned for 2020.

Media Contacts

Colleen Logan, clogan@iconfitness.com and Danielle Prager, daniellep@ifit.com