Denver Colfax Marathon Introduces ‘Colorado Half Marathon Showdown’ for Colorado Runners
January 29, 2025

Fastest Colorado runners are now eligible for a prize pool on race day
Denver, CO (January 29, 2025) /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – The Denver Colfax Marathon, presented by Cigna Healthcare, is thrilled to announce a new prize program for elite runners who live in Colorado. The new prize pool, called the ‘Colorado Half Marathon Showdown’, will award thousands of dollars in cash prizes to the fastest local men and women who run the half marathon in May.
“The marathon’s mission is to give back to our community,” said Andrea Dowdy, CEO of the Denver Colfax Marathon. “Each year we have a $150,000 prize pool that our marathon relay teams can win for charity, and the ‘Colorado Half Marathon Showdown’ takes our giving one step further. This prize money celebrates our top local athletes and their dedication to training and living in Colorado.”
Colorado athletes (men and women) who run the half marathon in the Denver Colfax Marathon race weekend will now have the chance to compete for $22,560 in prizes: $5280 for first place, $3000 for second place, $2000 for third place and $1000 for fourth place.
“Colorado has some of the best runners in the country,” said Patrick Rizzo, past Denver Colfax Marathon winner and event record holder. “We are proud to offer our local runners the support and competitive opportunities that will continue to elevate our state locally and nationally.”
In addition to the new prize pool, the marathon will also award any marathon and half marathon runner that breaks a course record on race day. These athletes have a chance to win $1000 if they break the event record, and another $1000 if they break the state record.
The Denver Colfax Marathon is a nonprofit itself (501c3) and has a tradition of giving back. The marathon offers thousands of kids a free entry to the race weekend each year and works with 150 charities. The marathon’s charity partners program gives nonprofits a free platform to raise money and awareness for their cause throughout the Denver Colfax Marathon race season.
Participating runners can raise money for a charity through the platform and marathon relay teams can win even more money for a charity from the program’s prize pool. The Denver Colfax Marathon’s relay is now one of the largest in the U.S. and has a yearly prize pool of $150,000 that the marathon awards back to local charities.
“Our charity partners program has a direct impact on our local community – giving Colorado nonprofits a chance to spread their positive message within our state,” said Dowdy said. “We’re excited to take our support one step further this year by giving back to our local running community.”
The Denver Colfax Marathon is the largest marathon weekend in the 8 state Rocky Mountain Region. It offers eight races over two days and has 25,000 participants. Registration is open for the city’s only marathon weekend which will take place May 16-18, 2025. To register, visit
About the Colorado Half Marathon Showdown:
To be eligible for the new Colorado Half Marathon Prize Pool, you must qualify with one of the following: Colorado resident (at least 6 months as a current resident), Current USATF Colorado card holder or Colorado collegian (must have completed last 2 years of post-secondary education in Colorado) or raised and educated primarily in Colorado but currently are not a resident.