Ainsley’s Angels add to their rolling fleet with donations from FRESHJUNKIE Racing
February 16, 2023

More chariots, more inclusion.
BATON ROUGE, La. /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – On the eve of their 12th annual run at the 2023 Louisiana Marathon, the Ainsley’s Angels of America organization received a $12,000 donation from its charity partner, FRESHJUNKIE Racing (FJR). The funds are a combination of participant donations collected through various FJR events over the past 12 months and rounded up with a contribution from the endurance event production company. The money will go towards the purchase of new racing chairs for the Angel Riders.
“We are extremely grateful for our ever-growing partnership and to be included as part of the running community!” says founder Kim “Rooster” Rossiter. “From one duo team at TLM 2014 to hundreds of smiles and FRESHJUNKIE finish lines over the last 10 years!”
Ainsley’s Angels of America is a non-profit organization that believes in the inclusion of all abilities to participate in various types of activity, specifically in road racing. Rossiter was in for a surprise at Ainsley’s Angels’ pre-race banquet on Saturday night when presented with a check for $12,000 by FJR Marketing Director Michael Wattigny. Additionally, over $9,000 in entries were provided to Angel Riders from FJR to provide Angels with equal opportunity to participate in endurance sporting events.
“FRESHJUNKIE Racing and the events we produce aim to provide an opportunity for everyone to improve their lives through movement,” Wattigny explains. “Exercise, movement, and fitness are clearly linked to happier and more fulfilling lives. We want to make sure that everyone has a chance to experience the cheering crowds and the joy of the Finish Line. Ainsley’s Angels provides a means of inclusion and we are excited to enhance the lives they touch.”
To donate or find more information on how to support, visit the Ainsley’s Angels of America website at
FRESHJUNKIE Racing (FJR) is an endurance event production company specializing in road running races and triathlons. Currently, FJR produces 19 events annually: 12 in Louisiana, 1 in Mississippi, 3 in Alabama, 2 in Missouri, and 2 in Florida. While 13 of the 19 events are company owned events, FJR offers event services for organizations looking to outsource the production of their running race or triathlon. FRESHJUNKIE Racing prides itself on attending to the small details. Because they matter. We are a production company made up of athletes that produce events for athletes. We know what it means to plan, train for, and participate in events and we know what the small details are. From initial planning, permitting, and overall event operations to graphic design, marketing, and video production, we are a complete shop. We are exhaustive in our preparation and comprehensive in our execution so that athletes can participate in experiential events they will remember for years to come.
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