
Peak Content makes Diversity and Inclusion session FREE to watch

June 17, 2020

Here's how to make your content more inclusive and reach a more diverse audience

Peak Content Summit, the content marketing strategy course designed for active lifestyle, outdoor and cycling brands, has made two of its sessions free to watch, offering brands an opportunity to discover more ways to make their content more inclusive and reach a more diverse audience.

“With everything that’s going on in our country right now, I knew Nzinga’s session on Diversity & Inclusion could help a lot of outdoor and active lifestyle brands as they’re re-evaluating their corporate messaging,” says event host and founder Tyler Benedict. “Making her session free to watch was one small step I could take to help us all make a difference.”

Nzinga has been nominated for four Emmy Awards for her Voices series of short films, each documenting a subset of the population whose voices often go unheard. At Peak Content Summit, her session was one of the most powerful and left attendees with actionable tips on how to speak authentically to diverse communities.

“I’ve also made the opening Keynote session free to watch,” says Benedict. “There’s so much free content available, I wanted outdoor brands to get a sense of what our concentrated, highly curated digital course could offer compared to the hodge-podge blogs and white papers floating around the web.”

To make the course more accessible, the price for Peak Content Summit Digital course has dropped to just $99 for full access to all sessions, including bonus content and free downloads.

Full speaker details and topics are listed at http://www.peakcontentsummit.com. Brand managers, content creators and marketing managers can watch Nzinga’s and Tyler’s sessions free on Thinkific here: https://bitesizecontent.thinkific.com/courses/peak-content-summit-2020 (free registration required)

Tyler Benedict
(336) 456-1243