2024 Race Across America to Finish in Atlantic City
December 8, 2023

Cyclists will finish their 3000-mile journey across the USA on the Boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey June 18-24, 2024
Boulder, CO /ENDURANCE SPORTSWIRE/ – The executive management of Race Across America, Inc. (the Company) recently announced the 2024 Race Across America (RAAM) finish will be in Atlantic City, New Jersey.
RAAM – widely known as The World’s Toughest Bicycle Race – is a 3000-mile coast-to-coast race across the America. The initial race took place in 1982 when 4 riders, with their support crews, raced 3000 miles from the Santa Monica Pier in Los Angeles to the Empire State Building in New York City. Since inception RAAM has started and finished in a number of coastal cities. The 2024 race will be the 42nd Race Across America.
RAAM is open to solo riders as well as 2, 4 and 8-person teams. Solo racers must “qualify” for solo RAAM by completing a RAAM Qualifying race (RQ). There are 45 RQs on 20 countries (the RQ System). Teams do not have to qualify for RAAM to enter. Solo racers and teams must have support crews. The purpose of the RQs, among other things, is to not only qualify solo riders, but to enable both solos and teams, along with their support crews, to acquire the crewed racing experience.
In 2024 over 150 riders, with their support crews, will race 3000 miles from Oceanside, CA to Atlantic City, NJ. Participants will have GPS tracking devices which allow family, friends, fans and spectators to follow their progress 24-hours per day coast-to-coast across the USA. The Start and Finish will be live streamed.
Company president, Fred Boethling, said, “I’ve raced and finished RAAM twice – team in 2005 and solo in 2006 – both times in Atlantic City. “Finishing in Atlantic City is a very emotional experience. Finishing on the Atlantic City Boardwalk – on the shore of the Atlantic Ocean is special. We are thrilled to be back in Atlantic City.”
“Race Across America is one of the nation’s toughest athletic events and we couldn’t be more excited to serve as the finish line for the 2024 event,” said Daniel Gallagher, Director of Sports Sales of the Atlantic City Sports Commission. “We are looking forward to showcasing all Atlantic City has to offer to a global audience, including our world-famous Boardwalk and coastal views as the cyclists finish this extraordinarily impressive race.”
About Visit Atlantic City
Visit Atlantic City is a 501(c)(6) organization formed and funded as a public-private partnership by the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) to create economic development through conventions, sporting events, film production and group tourism. Visit Atlantic City focuses on three primary objectives: sales, marketing and services.
For complete Atlantic City tourism and convention information, visit www.visitatlanticcity.com. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
About the Atlantic City Sports Commission
The Atlantic City Sports Commission was officially formed on January 13, 2015 as a 501 (c)(3) organization with the support of Visit Atlantic City and the Casino Reinvestment Development Authority (CRDA) to attract sporting events, conventions and competitions to Atlantic City.
For more information, visit www.atlanticcitysports.org. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
About Race Across America, Inc.
Race Across America, Inc. is the world leader in the sport of ultra-bicycle racing. The Company owns and operates Race Across America –The World’s Toughest Bicycle Race, as well as 4 RAAM Qualifying events: Race Across the West (RAW); Longhorn 500; Silver State 508 (The 508); and 6-12-24 Hour World Time Trail Championships (WTTC). RAW runs concurrently with RAAM. The Longhorn 500 is part of Texas Hell Week – 10 days in the Texas Hill Country (7 days of riding with 3 ride options per day and 2 races – Longhorn 500 and Stampede 200). The Silver State 508, founded in 1983, is the original RQ; it is now comprised of 2 races, the Silver State 508 and the Motherlode 200. In addition, the Company manages the RQ System – 45 RQs in 20 countries. The Company also offers seminars in crewed ultra-bicycle racing.
More About Race Across America: https://www.raamrace.org/
More About RAW: https://www.raceacrossthewest.org/
More About Texas Hell Week, Longhorn 500 and Stampede 200: https://www.raamchallenge.com/
More About The Silver State 508 and Motherlode 200: https://www.the508.net/
More About the 6-12-24 WTTC: https://www.24hrworlds.com/
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About The RAAM Qualifier System
RAAM Qualifiers play an important role in the sport of ultra-bicycle racing. The first RQ was designed to ensure prospective RAAM participants had a reasonable chance of finishing The World’s Toughest Bicycle Race. Initially, RAAM was open only to solo racers. Later 2, 4 and 8-person teams were added. Today the RQs are much more – in addition to their original purpose, they provide opportunities for both solo and team racers as well as their support crews to develop their skills under race conditions; they serve as entry portals into the sport of ultra-bicycle racing, provide pathways to the upper level of the sport, play a major role in growing the sport worldwide and ultimately feeding RAAM. Company management has worked diligently to build the RQ System. At present there are 45 races in 20 countries, the majority of which are independently owned and operated.